African youth gain from ECOWAS and EU clean energy scholarship program

African youth gain from ECOWAS and EU clean energy scholarship program

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), in collaboration with the European Union, has announced a scholarship program to further accelerate the deployment of sustainable energy and meet West Africa’s energy needs.
As part of efforts to guarantee that West Africans have sustainable access to clean energy and power, the program aims to increase the ability of young professionals in the region’s energy sector.
Highly bright students from ECOWAS Member States pursuing careers in the energy sector will be given access to these fully financed master’s degrees in a range of sustainable energy courses at nine specialized universities and institutions in six West African countries.
Obafemi Awolowo University, University of Ibadan, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ecole Polytechnique de Thiès, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop, Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouet-Boigny, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs -Université de Lomé, and University of Togo are the nine higher education institutions chosen for this (Cape Verde).
These academic institutions are well known for their top-notch programs in energy efficiency and renewable energy.
This opportunity is available to all ECOWAS and Mauritania residents who have earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, energy and environment (including renewable energy and energy efficiency), law, economics, finance, or planning. Women applicants will receive special consideration, and applicants may apply to any of the nine institutions in any of the six countries.
75 students are chosen from among those in the ECOWAS nations in a fair and open process that takes into account the distribution of students by location and language.
Prof. Fatou SOW SARR, the ECOWAS Commission’s Commissioner for Human Development and Social Affairs, asserted the following in her statement:
“The issue of energy is very important, especially at the level of education, it is also important that the presence of women who benefit from these scholarships is significant. A big step has just been taken, but efforts must also be made towards countries that do not have the British Council on their territory and to always strengthen the presence of women in this scholarship selection programme.”
According to Mr. Sédiko DOUKA, the ECOWAS Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy, and Digitalization, this scholarship program is yet more proof of the ECOWAS Commission’s keen interest in the relationship between universal access to high-quality education and cost-effective, dependable, sustainable energy.
He stated that the Commission is still persuaded that real investments in education and research would provide West Africa with the necessary manpower to manage the energy sector efficiently and effectively, including research on solar and wind systems and renewable energy.
He declared that the EU-ECOWAS scholarship initiative for sustainable energy has officially begun as he concluded his remarks.

Source: Oriental News Nigeria


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